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Secret Lair - Ssssssnakessssss

Secret Lair - Ssssssnakessssss

Brand New, 4 In stock
  • Description

    Several sensational serpents slither from this Secret Lair with stupendously silly, borderless full-art cards by Boneface, CROM, NIARK1, Crocodile Jackson, and Laynes. Whether you aspire to toss your nemesis into a pit of vipers or even display these beasts in your personal menagerie, always remember—the most dangerous noodle is the one that can eat you.

    All cards are English only.

    1x Borderless Hexdrinker
    1x Borderless Lotus Cobra
    1x Borderless Seshiro the Anointed
    1x Borderless Ice-Fang Coatl
    1x Borderless Stonecoil Serpent